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Ask Agate: Is it gauche to wear too much jewelry?

Is too much of a good thing, still a good thing? Agate casts doubt on the merits of minimalism.

Niche Champagnes

Never arrive empty handed: what to bring and what to say as five notable “grower champagnes” make gifting an entertaining conversation.

Ask Agate – Help for a Bachelor

A young man asks for tips and tactics for entertaining at home with Champagne, notably with a need to please the ladies. Agate advises...


Shall it be a flûte, coupe or glass? In what to serve Champange, according to prerogatives of taste, style, sociability, and that inimitable bubble lift.

Ask Agate: Can Jewelry Save My Marriage?

A troubled reader on the verge of divorce asks whether an important gift of jewelry could save her marriage. Agate serves it straight, no mixers.